Smithfield Carman United Church Brighton Ontario


SmithfieldCarman United Church

Smithfield Carman United Church Brighton Ontario


SmithfieldCarman United Church

Smithfield Carman United Church Brighton Ontario


Smithfield Carman United Church Brighton Ontario




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SmithfieldCarman United Church  


Altogether at Carman during the months of January, March, May, September, November – Services at 9:30 am

Altogether at Smithfield during the months of February, April, June, August, October, December – Services at 9:30 am

We are a cheerful little country church with two unique locations. We take our faith seriously, but not ourselves. We love to sing and laugh and be quiet. We especially love to have fun, pray for each other and help one another out.

From our services to our many events this church spreads far beyond the buildings. Our church is a community where people love to be, grow and share in our mission of welcoming everyone on a journey of belief and worshiping God.


Karen Bates

Since 2008 I have had the opportunity to experience the quiet joy and welcoming delight of this church and encourage you to be part of this family.

I love the opportunity to lead music at SmithfieldCarman and I’d love to hear your ideas for new music, choir, organ or piano. Being able to use my gifts to praise God and to serve you gives me the sense that I am in the right place. Encouraging you through music gives me the bonus of helping you come closer to God. I’m excited by leading worship services.

I believe that we are all called to be ministers, and I am pleased to use the gifts God has given me and to encourage others to follow God’s call.




I grew up in this church. It has always been a part of my life. The church gives me the strong reassurance that I am not alone. First, God is with me and I have only to ask. Second, I also have that same reassurance in my relationship with other members of the congregation. When things get bothering me, or when I’m going through a difficult time and feel the pressure and anxiety, I can just say “enough”. When it really is enough I can hand it over to God.

The church is growing and evolving. We are seeing the changes that I would want to see. We have an engaging worship service and the opportunity to do more in the community. – PETER STEWART

My Mom and Dad have come to church and I have enjoyed coming with them since I was a little boy. I have benefited from learning about God and Jesus and I have learned the importance of loving everyone. The best thing about church is to hear my Mom sing which gives me joy. It would be great to have more instrumental music. I really enjoy helping at services and at events such as Pancake Day. – SAM, AGE 13

I go to SmithfieldCarman church because my family has gone there for a long time and it’s a good place to learn. Some of the most important benefits I have received from my church is that the church has taught me how to pray for help! So far I have enjoyed being a part of good activities and getting to eat great food! One of the best activities is the pancake breakfast. I wouldn’t change a thing about this church. – JULIANNA, AGE 11

SmithfieldCarman Church is part of our neighbourhood and we find the people to be kindred spirits. We have found a church community which feels like home. Being with the friendly and always interesting people is a highlight of our week. There is a wonderful sense of hope and willingness to give our best effort to create a vibrant future for our church, to make it possible to worship together and enjoy each other’s company. – BARRY STAGG AND SHELLEY STAGG PETERSON

When my husband and I relocated back to our home town region we were excited to learn that Carman United was holding weekly services and decided to go. I have a special family connection to Carman and fond childhood memories attending the pig roasts that were hosted there. When we arrived at Church we were instantly welcomed by the congregation and despite our young daughter crying through the service many said to us “we hope you are able to come again”, and “don’t worry about the baby fussing – it’s wonderful to hear”.

It is important to us that our daughter is raised with Christian values. Every Sunday we look forward to going to Smithfield-Carman Church where the family is greeted by name, with big smiles and warm welcomes. The service is always engaging and well delivered. Socializing afterwards over coffee and delicious baked goods is no disappointment either! – JULIE-BAMFORD-LEBLANC, DEAN LEBLANC and BABY MAKENNA

I am so lucky that SmithfieldCarman came into my life! I’ve helped as Administrative Assistant since 2003 and have enjoyed the kindness of several ministers. The church gave me moral support when my husband became ill and allowed me to work from home with flexible hours.

I am very grateful for the tremendous support which has meant so much to me. Bringing our two churches together as one church has been so beneficial to all who love our church community. – SUSAN MAJURY



I loved the informality today at church when Pastor Ian began by extending birthday greetings to three people and we all sang Happy Birthday and clapped. Many were gathered to celebrate today. With his charming Scottish burr he welcomed us and then began a more structured program that helped us focus our spiritual energies.

As we often do, we took delight in the contributions of baby Makenna, age 10 months, who laughed and cooed and occasionally erupted joyfully joining us all during the hymns we sang. There was lots of music, traditional songs, accompanied by Minister Karen on piano.

After the music died away we expanded into a more deeply devotional space. Pastor Ian read beautiful bible verses and discussed the actual meaning of them. Stories and explanations were offered, competing for ears with baby babble once in a while. There were many smiles.

Two beautiful and committed young people were confirmed into the church and then their mother, a happy soprano, sang a lovely upbeat song of praise to Jesus. Offering was collected and respectfully presented. As the service came to its ending we all greeted each other warmly and soaked in the goodwill and kindness that pervaded the general area.

Many of us stayed for the gorgeous refreshments which today consisted of delicious home made lemon cake, banana bread, muffins and cheese sticks accompanied by tea and coffee.

People stay and talk and share the comradeship that comes so easily when you are committed to serving and love. Jesus liked to share food with people and so do we.